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Data protection is a matter of trust and your trust is important to us. We respect your privacy and personal sphere. The protection and lawful collection, processing and use of your personal data is therefore an important concern for us. So that you feel safe when visiting our websites, we strictly observe the legal provisions when processing your personal data and would like to inform you here about our data collection and use.

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By agreeing to the following data protection declaration, you consent to Lennas GmbH, Langfeldstrasse 17, 4040 Linz-Plesching, hereinafter ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY, collecting, processing and using your personal data in compliance with data protection laws and the following provisions.

1. Responsible body

The responsible body for the collection, processing and use of your personal data within the meaning of the relevant legal provisions is Lennas GmbH, Langfeldstrasse 17, 4040 Linz-Plesching.

If you wish to object to the collection, processing or use of your data by ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY in accordance with these data protection provisions in whole or for individual measures, you can send your objection by email or letter to the following contact details.

Lennas GmbH, Langfeldstrasse 17, 4040 Linz-Plesching


2. Collection, processing and use of personal data

2.1 Personal data

Personal data is information about the factual or personal circumstances of a specific or identifiable natural person. This includes, for example, your name, telephone number, address, and all inventory data that you provide to us when registering and creating your customer account. Statistical data that we collect, for example, when you visit our web shop and that cannot be directly linked to you personally are not included here. For example, these are statistics about which pages of our shop are particularly popular or how many users visit certain pages of the shop.

2.2 Collection, processing and use of your personal data

Data protection is very important to us. Therefore, when collecting, processing and using your personal data, we strictly adhere to the statutory provisions of the Data Protection Act. We collect, store and process your data for the entire processing of your purchase, including any subsequent warranties, for our services, technical administration and our own marketing purposes. Your personal data will only be passed on or otherwise transmitted to third parties if this is necessary for the purpose of contract processing or billing or if you have previously consented. As part of the order processing, for example, the service providers we use here (such as transporters, logistics companies, banks) receive the necessary data for order and order processing. The data passed on in this way may only be used by our service providers to fulfill their task. Any other use of the information is not permitted and will not be carried out by any of the service providers entrusted by us.

We need your correct name, address and payment details for your order. We need your email address so that we can confirm receipt of your order and communicate with you. We also use this for your identification (customer login). You will also receive your order and shipping confirmation via your email address.

Your personal data will be deleted unless statutory retention periods prevent this and if you have asserted a right to deletion, if the data is no longer required to fulfil the purpose for which it was stored, or if its storage is not permitted for other legal reasons.

2.3 Use of your data for advertising purposes

In addition to processing your data to process your purchase at ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY, we also use your data to communicate with you about certain products or marketing campaigns and to recommend products or services that may be of interest to you.

You can object to the use of your personal data for advertising purposes at any time, either in whole or for individual measures, without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the basic rates. A message in text form to the contact details mentioned (e.g. email) is sufficient for this.

2.4.1 Newsletter

We use the so-called double opt-in process to send the newsletter.

hren, i.e. we will only send you a newsletter by email if you have previously expressly confirmed to us that we should activate the newsletter service. We will then send you a notification email and ask you to confirm that you would like to receive our newsletter by clicking on a link contained in this email. If you have clicked on the newsletter in the shopping cart, you do not need an email confirmation.

If you no longer wish to receive newsletters from us at a later date, you can object to this at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the basic rates. A message in text form to the contact details specified under point 1 (e.g. email, letter) is sufficient for this. Of course, you will also find an unsubscribe link in every newsletter.

2.4.2 Competitions, market and opinion research

In competitions, we use your data for the purpose of notifying you of winnings and advertising our offers. You can find detailed information in our terms and conditions for the respective competition.

We also use your data for market and opinion research. Of course, we only use this anonymously for statistical purposes and only for ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY. Your answers to surveys will not be passed on to third parties or published. We do not store the answers from our surveys together with your email address or other personal data.

You agree that ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY processes and uses your personal data for market and opinion research for its own purposes.

You can object to the use of data for market and opinion research at any time, either in whole or for certain measures, without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the basic rates. A message in text form to the contact details mentioned (e.g. email) is sufficient for this.

3. Cookies

Accepting cookies is not a requirement for visiting our websites. However, we would like to point out that using the shopping cart function and purchasing products is only possible if you allow us to set cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are stored on your data storage device and that save certain settings and data for exchange with our system via your browser. Basically, there are two different types of cookies, so-called session cookies, which are deleted as soon as you close your browser, and temporary/permanent cookies, which are stored on your data storage device for a longer period of time or indefinitely. This storage helps us to design our websites and our offers accordingly for you and makes it easier for you to use them, for example by saving certain entries from you so that you do not have to repeat them constantly.

3.1 Which cookies does ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY use?

Most of the cookies we use are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of the browser session (hence session cookies). Session cookies are needed, for example, to offer you the shopping cart function across multiple pages. In addition, we also use cookies that remain on your hard drive. When you visit again, it is then automatically recognized that you have already been with us and which entries and settings you prefer. These temporary or permanent cookies (lifetime 1 month to 10 years) are stored on your hard disk and delete themselves automatically after the specified time. These cookies in particular serve to make our offer more user-friendly, effective and secure. Thanks to these files, it is possible, for example, for you to see information on the site that is specifically tailored to your interests. The sole purpose of these cookies is to adapt our offer to your customer wishes as best as possible and to make surfing with us as comfortable as possible for you.

3.2 What data is stored in the cookies?

No personal data is stored in the cookies used by ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY. The cookies we use cannot be assigned to a specific person and therefore cannot be assigned to you. When the cookie is activated, it is assigned an identification number. It is not possible at any time and will not be assigned to this identification number. Your name, IP address or similar data that would enable the cookie to be assigned to you are never recorded. Based on cookie technology, we only receive pseudonymized information, for example about which pages of our shop were visited, which products were viewed, etc.

3.3 What is onsite targeting?

On the ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY website, data is collected based on cookie technology to optimize our advertising and the entire online offering. This data is not used to identify you personally, but is only used for a pseudonymous evaluation of the use of the homepage. Your data will never be merged with the personal data stored by us. With this technology, we can present you with advertising and/or special offers and services, the content of which is based on the information obtained in connection with the clickstream analysis. Our goal is to make our online offering as attractive as possible for you and to present you with advertising that corresponds to your areas of interest.

3.4 Re-targeting

Our websites use so-called re-targeting technologies. We use these technologies to make the Internet offering more interesting for you. This technology makes it possible to address Internet users who have already shown an interest in our shop and our products with advertising on our partners' websites. We are convinced that the display of personalized, interest-based advertising is generally more interesting for Internet users than advertising that has no such personal reference. The display of these advertisements on our partners' websites is based on cookie technology and an analysis of previous usage behavior. This form of advertising is completely pseudonymous. No personal data is stored and no usage profiles are merged with your personal data.

I consent to so-called cookies being used and thus my usage data being collected, stored and used. I also consent to my data being stored in cookies beyond the end of the browser session and, for example, being able to be called up again the next time I visit the website. I can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future by refusing to accept cookies in my browser settings.

3.5 How can I prevent cookies from being stored?

You can set your browser to only accept cookies if you agree to this. As a rule, the help function in the menu bar of your web browser will show you how to reject new cookies and deactivate those you have already received.

We recommend that you always log out completely after using shared computers that are set to accept cookies and flash cookies.

4. Log files

Every time you access the ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY website, usage data is transmitted by the respective Internet browser and stored in log files, the so-called server log files. The data records stored contain the following data: date and time of access, name of the page accessed, IP address, referrer URL (origin URL from which you came to the website), the amount of data transferred, and product and version information of the browser used.

Users' IP addresses are deleted or anonymized after use. When anonymized, the IP addresses are changed in such a way that the individual details about personal or factual circumstances can no longer be assigned to a specific or identifiable natural person or can only be assigned with a disproportionate amount of time, money and effort.

We evaluate these log file records in an anonymized form in order to further improve our offer and the shop and make it more user-friendly, to find and correct errors more quickly and to control server capacities. For example, it is possible to determine at what time the shop is particularly popular and to provide the corresponding data volume to ensure that you can shop as quickly as possible. In addition, by analyzing the log files, we can also identify and correct any errors in the shop more quickly.

5. Web analysis

In order to constantly improve and optimize our offer, we use so-called tracking technologies. For this purpose, we use the services of Google Analytics.

5.1 Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help Google analyze how users use our website. The information collected through the cookie about your use of our website (including your IP address) is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

Google be

respects the data protection provisions of the "US Safe Harbor" agreement and is registered with the "Safe Harbor" program of the US Department of Commerce. Google will use the information mentioned above to evaluate your use of our websites, to compile reports on website activity for us and to provide us with other services related to website and internet usage. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. Google will only transfer this data to third parties if required by law or as part of order data processing. Under no circumstances will Google combine your data with other data collected by Google.

By using these websites, you consent to the processing of the data collected about you by Google and the manner of data processing described above as well as the stated purpose.

You can prevent cookies from being saved by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent. You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link (

You can find more information about Google Analytics and data protection at

5.2 Plugins

We use plugins on our websites. If you do not want social networks to collect data about you via active plugins, you can either simply deactivate the social plugins with a click on our websites or select the "Block third-party cookies" function in your browser settings. The browser will then not send any cookies to the server for embedded content from other providers. However, with this setting, other cross-page functions may no longer work in addition to the plugins.

5.3 Facebook

We use plugins from the social network, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA ("Facebook"). The link to Facebook's privacy policy can be found here: Facebook's privacy policy.

5.4 YouTube

We use plugins from the YouTube website, which is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States ("YouTube"). The link to YouTube's privacy policy can be found here: YouTube's privacy policy.

5.5 Instagram

We use plugins from the social network Instagram, which is operated by Instagram, LLC Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA ("Instagram"). The link to Instagram's privacy policy can be found here: Instagram's privacy policy.

6. Secure data transfer

We transfer your personal data securely using encryption. This applies to your order and also to the customer login. We use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) coding system. Although no one can guarantee absolute protection, we use technical and organizational measures to protect our websites and other systems against loss, destruction, access, alteration or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons.

​7. Rights to information

According to the relevant data protection regulations, our customers have, among other things, a right to free information about their stored data, as well as, if necessary, a right to correction, blocking or deletion of data.

We take the protection of your data very seriously. To ensure that personal data is not disclosed to third parties, please send your request by email with clear identification of your person to

Lennas GmbH, Langfeldstrasse 17, 4040 Linz-Plesching


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